Do you know how risky it is to climb a mountain? But despite that risk, there are still a lot of people, who would like to climb mountains like the Mt. Everest. This summit is 29,035 feet tall, consisting of marble, shale and limestone of various types. Since it is covered with real deep snow, you may experience a -80F temperature with a wind blowing at 200mph. The Tibetans call this mountain as Chomolungma, which means the mother goddess of the universe. It was Sir George Everest first identified this mountain in 1841. It was named Peak 15 in 1856 and then, Mount Everest in 1865.

The Everest Mountain is now one of the most popular and highest mountains that climbers and explorers would like to reach. But climbing on top is not that easy because it is indeed the most important undertaking. It is because you need a lot of preparation and make sure that you are more than ready when the climbing day comes. Anyway, as a climber, who is aspiring to reach the top of Mt. Everest, we have here a few important tips for you to consider.
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